I don't know about you, but I literally feel sick going back to school after a long break. I love, love, love spending family time and the thought of Monday just does not sit right. Not only do I have to wake up early again and get back into the routine, I have to PLAN! I always try to leave my classroom ready to come back; however, we all know that doesn't always cut it. I have tried to make my life easier with already having my plans and objectives set. Hopefully you find them helpful to you as well!
I always try to make time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions. It is a great time to knock out bad habits and start fresh. I have an entire mini unit on New Year's Resolutions and I talk to my students about what that means and how we can help each other stick to our resolutions. I have my students write about their top 5 memories from the past year. Check out the freebie here:
Starting a new year does not have to be intimidating. We can do this together. Have a great week back and blessings to you all! I hope you all have a Happy New Year and enjoy a fresh start! Here is the link to the entire New Year Pack! New Year Activities
Happy New Year! As I was reflecting on 2015 I found many things that I want to improve on. I know I need to improve on many aspects of my life. I think it is a great idea to reflect and set goals for 2016! Here are my goals:
Family Goal: It is so easy to get caught up in life and forget what is important. My family is #1 always, yet often times family time gets pushed to the side. I want to focus more on family nights. My boys love playing board games so that is something I really want to focus doing more. I want to spend less time on electronics and t.v. and just enjoy each others company.
TPT Goal: I have to say 2015 was a great year for me on my TpT journey. I met my first milestone, which was totally awesome, and am looking forward to what's to come for my store! I still have many goals for myself. This month I want to focus on updated older products and making sure they are high quality work. I also want to blog once a week. I love getting my thoughts out and blogging is such a great outlet.
Educational Goal: This one was difficult for me. I have my Master's Degree and I continue to read and learn about the newest trends in education. However, I do need to start creating more testing prep and materials that utilize the information I have learned. There is always something new that can be learned.
Personal Goal: Oh wow...I have so much work to do on this one. I have let myself go. My husband and boys get the best of me (which I totally don't mind) and I usually don't have much left for just "me". I think this is pretty normal; however, I am in desperate need of "me" time. My goal is to start exercising and prepare healthier meals for my family.
I encourage you to join us in creating your own goals. Make sure to link up with us on INSTAGRAM and use the hashtag #IG2016GOALS. We would love for you to tag us in your post! I am Coffman's Creative Classroom on IG! We can't wait to see your goals! Blessings to you and good luck with your goals!
DOWNLOAD this image to add your text. Happy New Year and Happy Goal Setting!