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February 29, 2016

Super Leap Sale #Superleap

#SuperLeap ~Super Leap Sale!~

I am excited to be a part of the Super Leap Sale going on right now! I have 4 items on sale for 20% off and they are 4 of my favorites. The first one is materials for Leap Day. This pack is so much fun. The students love making frogs and writing their goals. It also has a scavenger hunt around the room. You can't go wrong with this pack!

The next one is is a best seller! Teaching students the writing process can be so difficult. With these materials you will get all the lessons to walk them through the writing process in a fun and engaging way! Make sure to check this one out!

Next, is a favorite of many! St. Patrick's Day Activities with math and language arts that will be sure to keep your students engaged. 

Last but not least I have my Earth Day unit on sale! I love this unit. It has math and language arts as well and what I love the most is the focus wall poster. Most of my products come with a craftivity, which I absolutely love, and so do the kids! 

Make sure to check out more great sales using #superleap into the search bar. Take care of your wish list and get more great materials that are engaging for your students. You can't go wrong! Have a fantastic day and Happy Leap Day! 

February 1, 2016

February 2016 Monthly Goals

As I was reflecting on last month's goals, I had to really step back and refocus. I am going to be honest with you. I accomplished every goal last month but the MOST important goal, which is my family goal. I don't know about you, but I have a very difficult time focusing on all of my goals at once. If I spend a lot of time focusing on one goal, my other goals suffer. I am trying very hard to "do it all" but I just can't. It comes down to a lot of prayer and prioritizing. Lucky for me, my family loves me just the way I am and are very forgiving.

So here is to starting fresh and trying my best to prioritize.  Here are my goals for February. 

My family goals this month are to be "here...and less in my head. When I was typing this I thought maybe I would change it because it sounds bad. Really? Less in your head I thought. This is exactly how I feel. I am always thinking of what I am going to do next, what I have to do tomorrow, what I did yesterday, how am I going to find time to fit this and that in, what needs to be cleaned, blah blah blah...Therefore, I set a goal to be here in the now. Focus on what is important now. The reason I put this under family is because they are the ones that suffer the most from me not being "here". They deserve the best me!

My educational goal is to finish my reading bundle. I have been working on it for months and just need to put final touches. I have put it off for too long. 

My personal goal is to keep focusing on a healthier me. Spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I have been working on every aspect and want to continue! 

Thanks for taking the time to read my goals! I would love to hear your goals and reflections. 

  • Join us! We are setting realistic goals each month in 3 areas.
  • Copy my image below to set yours!
  • Tag us on INSTAGRAM at #IG2016GOALS